We did it! 2023 Innovation Booster Grant Recipient

November 12, 2023by Ben Portman

We did it! 2023 Innovation Booster Grant Recipient

After a lengthy and detailed application to the Department of Jobs, Trade, Science and Innovation, we received news that we had been awarded an Innovation Booster Grant. This funding was put to good use by allowing us to engage a specialist engineering firm for testing and analysis of our unique product.

This was such an amazing achievement and we were very proud to be selected as one of 40 recipients from more than 400 applications!

The Innovation Booster Grant is provided through the Western Australian State Government’s New Industries Fund which is a Cook Government initiative that invests in economic diversification projects that support job creation and investment in Western Australia’s long-term future.

Ben and Lauren Portman

IBG Recipients with Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC at the 2023 MIT Perth Symposium on June 30, 2023.

Ben Portman

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